London20 Me20 Bharat primary Still 01

LCC presents: The Southall Shift

Start Time:
26th Jan 16:00
69 min
Special Events Orbital

A programme capturing the history of Southall, a once 'small town' in West London that has evolved into the community known as ‘Little India’. This program delves into the profound struggles and triumphs of that community, showcasing its transformative journey in the past 70 years.

These films document the remarkable shift from the arduous immigration struggles of the 1950s to the South Asian community standing up against race-based social, political, and economic discrimination, unveiling the resilience and determination that have shaped this unique enclave. Southall today is a vibrant cultural centre for the South Asian community with a large population contributing significantly to the town's cultural environment.

Through powerful storytelling and compelling visual imagery, The Southall Shift captures the spirit of a community that has not only overcome adversity but has flourished, spreading and nurturing its distinctive culture.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with directors Colin Prescod and Asia Ahmed.

This programme contains scenes of racism, discrimination, language which may be unsuitable for young children, discriminatory/outdated language, violence.