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Cinema Mentiré presents: Señ@r Internet

Start Time:
24th Jan 20:45
63 min
Special Events Orbital

We have become accustomed to the internet and digital life, which were once new and unfamiliar. The net is now so ingrained in our daily lives that we can barely imagine life without it. We use it to work, to learn, to communicate, and to entertain ourselves. But what does the internet mean for us? How has it changed us? And what does the future hold? Who is the internet?

This programme of Latin American short films explores the internet and our digital nature in a variety of ways. The films are creative, fun, thought-provoking, and sometimes critical of the internet's impact on our lives.

This program is both a love letter and a critical commentary on the internet. It is an ode to the arrival of home internet and personal computers, and to the ways the internet has transformed our lives. But it is also a reminder that the internet is a powerful tool that can be used for good or for evil. It is up to us to decide how we will use it.

This programme contains sequences of flashing lights which may affect people who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.